Frequently, discriminatory actions and attitudes are not obvious initially. In the beginning, they can be isolated comments or awkward silences, but this can quickly escalate to the lack of respect, rights, and benefits that any other employee enjoys within the company. None of this is acceptable, and under no circumstances should an employee put up with such attitudes while performing their job duties. Unfortunately, however, racial discrimination in the workplace persists and continues to happen in many workplaces.
In the United States, Latino employees are exposed to discriminatory acts by their co-workers or even their employers every day. It can happen when the employee is already within the company, denying them the opportunity to get promoted. It can also occur when someone applies for a new job and is immediately rejected because of their country of origin or skin color.
It is essential to highlight that this practice is illegal and must be reported immediately. The only criteria that should be considered when hiring an employee are their qualifications and job performance.
From dirty jokes and offensive language towards a worker to denying them benefits and access to promotions that correspond to them, racial discrimination can affect the employee both in their career and mental health.
In the United States, the Latino community has been deprived of many opportunities due to their place of origin. That is why we want each employee to know that they must report all discriminatory actions. Our team is ready and willing to help you through the process.
If you are a victim of discrimination, we want you to know that you have every right to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This agency is in charge of checking that the federal labor discrimination laws are respected, and they will corroborate the illegality of the actions by the company towards the worker.
At Lipeles Law Group, we are always willing to help and advise you to make your work a safe and discrimination-free space.